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検索キーワード: India [SAT] India

検索対象: タイトル

-- 69 件ヒット
インド (40 / 21397)  インド学 (28 / 1728)  India (16 / 138)  仏教学 (9 / 8355)  インド仏教 (7 / 8181)  日本 (6 / 70194)  South India (5 / 5)  Buddhism (4 / 123)  China (3 / 42)  Hinduism (3 / 20)  [30件まで表示]
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氏名 タイトル 媒体名 発行日 掲載頁詳細本文INBUDS IDCI
玉城康四郎The Development of the Thought of Tathāgatagarbha from India to China印度學佛敎學硏究 通号 17 1961-01-25 25-33(L)詳細ありIB00001290A
佐藤任Acharya Prafulla Chandra Rāy; “History of Chemistry in Ancient and Medieval India”密教文化 通号 56 1961-08-01 71-73(R)詳細ありIB00015763A-
片野道雄E. Conze: Buddhist Thought in India仏教学セミナー 通号 1 1965-05-15 80-83詳細IB00026393A-
宮本正尊The Geographical Expansion of the Indian Cultural Sphere Symbolized by the Metaphor of the Five Rivers of India and the Metaphor of the Four Rivers of Asia印度學佛敎學硏究 通号 31 1967-12-25 1-15(L)詳細ありIB00002495A
GokhaleV.V.Tibetan Studies in India (a brief survey)日本西蔵学会々報 通号 18 1972-03-31 8-6(R)詳細IB00041068A-
長崎法潤Genjun H. Sasaki: Social and Humanistic Life in India大谷学報 通号 196 1973-02-10 67-70(R)詳細IB00025351A-
佐々木教悟G. M. Bongard-Levin: Studies in Ancient India and Central Asia仏教学セミナー 通号 17 1973-05-30 66-70(R)詳細IB00026538A-
MatsunagaYukeiA History of Tantric Buddhism in India高野山大学論叢 通号 12 1977-02-21 1-13(L)詳細IB00014348A-
ChatterjeeHeramba ŚāstrīThe Present Position of Pali Studies in Indiaパーリ仏教文化研究 通号 1 1982-04-15 41-53(L)詳細IB00228674A
de JongJ. W.A New History of Tantric Literature in Indiaインド古典研究 通号 6 1984-05-15 91-114(L)詳細IB00033588A
奈良康明Cultural Interflow between India and Japan東方 通号 3 1987-12-21 209-225(L)詳細IB00029515A-
高橋堯英A Comprehensive History of India, vol.II, K. A. Nilakanta Sastri, ed., People's Publishing House, Second Reprint, New Delhi, 1987東方 通号 4 1988-12-22 219-219(L)詳細IB00161674A-
桑山正進The Hephthalites in Tokharistan and Northwest IndiaZINBUN 通号 24 1989-01-01 89-134(L)詳細IB00039194A-
前田専学K. Satchidananda Murty, Philosophy in India: Traditions, Teaching, and Research南アジア研究 通号 1 1989-10-01 138-140(L)詳細IB00147386A-
辛島昇Meera Abraham, Two Medieval Merchant Guilds of South India南アジア研究 通号 1 1989-10-01 136-137(L)詳細IB00147364A-
SilvaLily deThe Place of Buddha in the Religious Milieu of India in the Sixth Century B.C.仏教研究 通号 19 1990-03-30 181-190(L)詳細IB00033443A-
SinghSanghasenBuddhism in India Today東方 通号 6 1990-12-31 78-86(L)詳細IB00029567A-
SinghSanghasenDecline of Buddhism in India東方 通号 6 1990-12-31 87-98(L)詳細IB00029568A-
長崎暢子India and World War II南アジア研究 通号 3 1991-10-01 24-37(L)詳細ありIB00147510A
高橋尭英Peculiarity of Buddhism in North-West India東方 通号 8 1992-12-31 233-265(L)詳細IB00029622A-
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